Mark Fields’ School of Bonsai - 2017
I am pleased to announce that I will be holding my third year of bonsai school in late January. The six sessions will be held one Saturday a month at my nursery, Bonsai by Fields, LLC, from 9 AM to 3 PM. I will cover everything from the material you would learn in a Bonsai 101 class to more advanced techniques such as grafting, propagation, basic botany, diseases, fertilizing, etc. I will provide a binder full of printed information to all students and lunch will be provided for the first 3 sessions. The cost for all 6 sessions is only $400.00. You are sure to acquire an amazing amount of practice and knowledge. Please feel free to talk to some of my graduates from the past 6 years for their opinion.
The dates for the 6 sessions will be:
January 21, February 25, March 25, May 20, July 22 and September 23
The first 2 Sessions are all lecture and discussion. Session 3 will be half lecture and half hands on. Also for Session 3 you will be required to buy a class tree which I will choose when I go to Brussel's Bonsai Nursery for their Spring Preview Sale the first weekend in March. The trees will be sold to the students at my cost. (That cost was $35 last year) We will work on those trees for Sessions 3 and 4. Sessions 5 and 6 are hands on where we will work on some of my trees and where you can work on your own trees during the classes as well.
Please feel free to call me at 317-439-0678
or email me at and I can send you and application for the classes.